Tag Archives: live load

How Far Can a 2×6 Purlin Span?

How Far Can a 2×6 Purlin Span?

Reader WILL in COMFORT writes:

How far can a 2×6 purlin on a 6:12 sloped roof span?”

The following describes 2×6 SYP #2 purlins spanning a 14′ bay, with an on-center spacing of 24″ (sf).

Purlins are recessed between rafters with their top edges flush with rafter top edges. Purlins are mounted to rafters with Simpson Strong-Tie LU-26 joist hangers at both ends.

Effective simple beam span length (le) will be taken as 165.

Applied loads

Dead load, D[

Dpurlin: dead load from weight of purlin itself
Dpurlin = purlin density × ((b × d × le) / (sf × l))
Purlin density found via NDS Supplement 2015 Section 3.1.3:
density = 62.4 × (G / (1 + (G × 0.009 × moisture content))) × (1 + (moisture content / 100))
moisture content = 19%
density = 62.4 × (0.55 / (1 + (0.55 × 0.009 × 0.19))) × (1 + (0.19 / 100))
density = 34.56 pcf
Dpurlin = 34.56 pcf × ( ( 1.5″ × 5.5″ × 165″ ) / ( 24″ × 168″ ) ) × 1/12 in/ft
Dpurlin = 0.966 psf

Roof designed for 29g corrugated steel
Dead load from weight of steel (Dsteel) based on values from the American Building Components catalogue:
Dsteel = 0.63 psf

D: dead load
D = Dpurlin + Dsteel
D = 0.966 psf psf + 0.63 psf psf
D = 1.596 psf

Project load to a vector acting perpendicular to the roof plane:
D = D × cos(Θ)
D = 1.596 psf × cos(0.464)
D = 1.428 psf

A conversion from psf to psi will be made for ease of calculation:
D = 1.428 psf × 1/144 psi/psf
D = 0.01 psi

Roof live load, Lr

L: roof live load
Lr = 18 psf

Project load to a vector acting perpendicular to the roof plane:
Lr = Lr × cos(Θ) × cos(Θ)
Lr = 18 psf × cos(0.464) × cos(0.464)
Lr = 14.4 psf

A conversion from psf to psi will be made for ease of calculation:
Lr = 14.4 psf × 1/144 psi/psf
Lr = 0.1 psi

Snow load, S

S: snow load
S = 13.267 psf

Project load to a vector acting perpendicular to the roof plane:
S = S × cos(Θ) × cos(Θ)
S = 13.267 psf × cos(0.464) × cos(0.464)
S = 10.614 psf

A conversion from psf to psi will be made for ease of calculation:
S = 10.614 psf × 1/144 psi/psf
S = 0.074 psi

Wind load, W

W: wind load
W = 9.6 psf

A conversion from psf to psi will be made for ease of calculation:
W = 9.6 psf × 1/144 psi/psf
W = 0.067 psi

Wind uplift load, Wu

Wu: wind uplift load
Wu = -11.763 psf

A conversion from psf to psi will be made for ease of calculation:
Wu = -11.763 psf × 1/144 psi/psf
Wu = -0.082 psi

Lr ≥ S, so roof live loads will dictate in load combinations.

Bending test (fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0)

Fb: allowable bending pressure
Fb′ = Fb × CD × CM × Ct × CL × CF × Cfu × Ci × Cr
CL = 1
CM = 1 because purlins are protected from moisture by roof
Ct = 1 NDS 2.3.3
CF = 1 NDS Supplement
Ci = 1 NDS 4.3.8
Cr = 1 NDS 4.3.9

S: section modulus
S = (b × d2) / 6
S = (1.5″ × (5.5″)2) / 6
S = 7.563 in3

w: pounds force exerted per linear inch of beam length
M: maximum moment
fb: maximum bending stress

Load combinations:

  1. D

CD = 0.9
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 0.9 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 900 psi

w = (D) × sf
w = 0.008 psi × 24″
w = 0.186 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( 0.18559992381479 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = 654.797 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = 654.797 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = 86.585 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
86.585 psi / 900 psi ≤ 1.0
0.096 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + Lr

CD = 1.25
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 1.25 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 1250 psi

w = (D + Lr) × sf
w = 0.108 psi × 24″
w = 2.586 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( 2.5855999238148 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = 9121.997 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = 9121.997 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = 1206.214 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
1206.214 psi / 1250 psi ≤ 1.0
0.965 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + W

CD = 1.6
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 1600 psi

w = (D + W) × sf
w = 0.074 psi × 24″
w = 1.786 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( 1.7855999238148 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = 6299.597 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = 6299.597 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = 833.004 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
833.004 psi / 1600 psi ≤ 1.0
0.521 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + Wu

CD = 1.6
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 1600 psi

w = (D + Wu) × sf
w = -0.074 psi × 24″
w = -1.775 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( -1.7748379435325 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = -6261.628 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = -6261.628 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = -827.984 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
-827.984 psi / 1600 psi ≤ 1.0
-0.517 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75W

CD = 1.6
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 1600 psi

w = (D + 0.75Lr + 0.75W) × sf
w = 0.133 psi × 24″
w = 3.186 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( 3.1855999238148 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = 11238.797 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = 11238.797 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = 1486.122 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
1486.122 psi / 1600 psi ≤ 1.0
0.929 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75Wu

CD = 1.6
Cfu = 1
Fb′ = 1000 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fb′ = 1600 psi

w = (D + 0.75Lr + 0.75Wu) × sf
w = 0.021 psi × 24″
w = 0.515 pli

M = (w × l2) / 8
M = ( 0.51527152330431 pli × (165″)2 ) / 8
M = 1817.878 in-lbs

fb = M / S
fb = 1817.878 in-lbs / 7.563 in3
fb = 240.381 psi

fb / Fb′ ≤ 1.0
240.381 psi / 1600 psi ≤ 1.0
0.15 ≤ 1.0

Purlin stressed in bending to a maximum of 96.5%

Shear test (fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0)

Fv: allowable shear pressure
Fv′ = Fv × CD × CM × Ct × Ci
CM = 1 because purlins are protected from moisture by roof
Ct = 1 NDS 2.3.3
Ci = 1 NDS 4.3.8
V: max shear force
fv: max shear stress

Load combinations:

  1. D

CD = 0.9
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 0.9 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 157.5 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = 0.186 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = 14.57 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × 14.57 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = 2.649 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
2.649 psi / 157.5 psi ≤ 1.0
0.017 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + Lr

CD = 1.25
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 1.25 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 218.75 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = 2.586 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = 202.97 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × 202.97 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = 36.904 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
36.904 psi / 218.75 psi ≤ 1.0
0.169 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + W

CD = 1.6
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 280 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = 1.786 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = 140.17 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × 140.17 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = 25.485 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
25.485 psi / 280 psi ≤ 1.0
0.091 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + Wu

CD = 1.6
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 280 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = -1.775 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = -139.325 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × -139.325 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = -25.332 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
-25.332 psi / 280 psi ≤ 1.0
-0.09 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75W

CD = 1.6
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 280 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = 3.186 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = 250.07 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × 250.07 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = 45.467 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
45.467 psi / 280 psi ≤ 1.0
0.162 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75Wu

CD = 1.6
Fv‘ = 175 psi × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
Fv‘ = 280 psi

V = w × (le – (2 × d)) / 2
V = 0.515 pli × ( 165″ – (2 × 5.5″) ) / 2
V = 40.449 lbs

fv = (3 × V) / (2 × b × d)
fv = (3 × 40.449 lbs) / ( 2 × 1.5″ × 5.5″ )
fv = 7.354 psi

fv / Fv′ ≤ 1.0
7.354 psi / 280 psi ≤ 1.0
0.026 ≤ 1.0

Purlin stressed in shear to a maximum of 16.9%

Deflection test (Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0)

I: moment of inertia
I = b × d3 / 12 NDS 3.3.2
I = ( 1.5″ × (5.5″)3 ) / 12
I = 20.797 in4

E: modulus of elasticity
E′ = E × CD × CM × Ct × Ci
CM = 1 because purlins are protected from moisture by roof
Ct = 1 NDS 2.3.3
Ci = 1 NDS 4.3.8

Δallow: allowable deflection
Δmax: maximum deflection

Load combinations:

  1. D + Lr

CD = 1.25
E′ = 1400000 × 1.25 × 1 × 1 × 1
E′ = 1750000 psi

Per IBC 1604.3 footnote d, dead load may be taken as 0.5D.
w = ((0.5 × D) + Lr) × sf
w = ( (0.5 × 0.01 psi) + 0.1 psi ) × 24″
w = 0.104 pli

Δallow = l / 150 IBC 1604.3
Δallow = 165″ / 150
Δallow = 1.1″

Δmax = (5 × w × l4) / (384 × E′ × I)
Δmax = ( 5 × 2.493 pli × (165″)4 ) / ( 384 × 1750000 psi × 20.797 in4 )
Δmax = 0.661″

Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0
0.661″ / 1.1″ ≤ 1.0
0.601 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + W

CD = 1.6
E′ = 1400000 × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
E′ = 2240000 psi

Δallow = l / 150 IBC 1604.3
Δallow = 165″ / 150
Δallow = 1.1″

Δmax = (5 × w × l4) / (384 × E′ × I)
Δmax = ( 5 × 1.786 pli × (165″)4 ) / ( 384 × 2240000 psi × 20.797 in4 )
Δmax = 0.37″

Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0
0.37″ / 1.1″ ≤ 1.0
0.336 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + Wu

CD = 1.6
E′ = 1400000 × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
E′ = 2240000 psi

Δallow = l / 150 IBC 1604.3
Δallow = 165″ / 150
Δallow = 1.1″

Δmax = (5 × w × l4) / (384 × E′ × I)
Δmax = ( 5 × -1.775 pli × (165″)4 ) / ( 384 × 2240000 psi × 20.797 in4 )
Δmax = -0.368″

Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0
-0.368″ / 1.1″ ≤ 1.0
-0.334 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75W

CD = 1.6
E′ = 1400000 × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
E′ = 2240000 psi

Δallow = l / 150 IBC 1604.3
Δallow = 165″ / 150
Δallow = 1.1″

Δmax = (5 × w × l4) / (384 × E′ × I)
Δmax = ( 5 × 3.186 pli × (165″)4 ) / ( 384 × 2240000 psi × 20.797 in4 )
Δmax = 0.66″

Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0
0.66″ / 1.1″ ≤ 1.0
0.6 ≤ 1.0

  1. D + 0.75Lr + 0.75Wu

CD = 1.6
E′ = 1400000 × 1.6 × 1 × 1 × 1
E′ = 2240000 psi

Δallow = l / 150 IBC 1604.3
Δallow = 165″ / 150
Δallow = 1.1″

Δmax = (5 × w × l4) / (384 × E′ × I)
Δmax = ( 5 × 0.515 pli × (165″)4 ) / ( 384 × 2240000 psi × 20.797 in4 )
Δmax = 0.107″

Δmax / Δallow ≤ 1.0
0.107″ / 1.1″ ≤ 1.0
0.097 ≤ 1.0

Purlin stressed in deflection to a maximum of 60.1%

When Concrete Contractors Try to Act Like Engineers

Reader JEFFREY in CHARLOTTE writes:

“I want to build a woodworking shop next to my driveway that drops off sharply. I don’t have the space to add fill and slope away as it would put me over the setback on the neighbor’s property line. Local concrete contractor suggested a pole barn style would work best. He suggested I sink posts at the lower grade level 4′ deep at 4′ intervals and then add tongue and groove boards to essentially create a box that I could then backfill with gravel/sand compacting in 4″ lifts. Once that was done and the building was up then I could pour a slab on top of that inside the building. I estimate the grade difference to be roughly 4′ from the driveway to the lowest point where the back wall of the building would be. My building size would be 24′ long and 22′ wide and I want an upper gable room for storage. I would like to be able to stand up inside the “attic”. What do you think of this proposal? To have foundations and poured walls put in would put me way out of my budget.”

This is why concrete contractors are not allowed to engineer buildings (unless they have actually gone to school, passed their boards and gotten registered). As suggested, a large load is going to be placed upon your building’s columns along this wall, resulting possibly in larger columns, greater embedment depth and more concrete around columns. Throw in what you will invest in two sets of four foot high UC-4B pressure preservative treated tongue and groove lumber and you are talking some serious money.

I am always into looking for simple and affordable solutions. To me, building a concrete block retaining wall along my property line would seemingly be an excellent alternative and would not involve having to pay an engineer to design it. You could then bring in compactable fill to get to level and happily build away.

As far as your attic “storage” idea, be wary. By Building Code, light storage areas need to be designed for a 125 psf (pounds per square foot) live load. Even on a 22 foot truss span, these trusses are going to be expensive. Now you could designate this as a ‘bonus room’ and provided your Building Department buys into it, you could have a much lower live load (as little as 30 psf). You would need to remain mindful of what you were actually placing in this area, so as not to overload it and cause an unintended failure.

You will also have to deal with access. While pull down stairs are convenient they provide a very limited opening to get things into this bonus room space. Permanent stairs must be at least three feet in width and meet maximum rise and minimum run standards as well as headroom and clear space at top and bottom of run considerations. When all is said and done, they would chew up a lot of your woodworking space.

What Size Truss Carriers?

What Size Truss Carriers?

It seems every day I am asked to do structural design of post frame buildings – for free. Today’s request comes from BOB in ARKDALE who writes:

“Yesterday I asked a question about a double header and single trusses being spaced every 4 feet with 8 foot spacing on posts. I don’t use the internet much but a reply to my son’s email address would be great. The question was what is a proper double header? We thought one underneath the other off entered or sandwiched off enter.”

Bob’s earlier request was somehow spun off into an internet abyss, as it did not make it successfully to us.

nailing trussesIn my humble opinion, an ideal design solution eliminates need for a header (aka truss carrier) entirely, by having trusses bear directly upon columns. Why would this be ideal? Trusses (in my ideal dream world) are placed into a field cut notch in each column. This transmits all roof loads directly onto posts, without reliance upon beams typically scabbed onto each side. This eliminates trusses being driven to earth in a catastrophic snowfall event.

Back to your question – size and number of required members for your headers, as well as their orientation) should be clearly denoted upon plans provided by RDP (Registered Design Professional – architect or engineer) who produced them. Headers and their connections need to be able to withstand all imposed loads – live (snow), dead (weight of headers themselves along with trusses, purlins, insulation, roof sheathing (if used), roofing, any ceiling, lighting, etc.), as well as wind loads (uplift being a factor). These headers must be adequate to support one-half of clearspan width of your building, plus any overhangs beyond sidewall.

All of this takes an involved series of calculations best performed by an experienced RDP. If you somehow do not have one involved in your project – go hire one right now. This small investment into correct structural design becomes inconsequential compared to pain of building loss should it fail, damaging or destroying valuables your building was meant to protect, as well as injuring or killing yourself or your loved ones who may be inside when the roof caves in.




Under-Designed Ag Buildings

Does Anyone Else See How This Could Be a Problem?

Eric, one of the owners of Hansen Pole Buildings, had me check out a website today for a pole building supplier who is extolling the virtues of a particular “nailed up” laminated column, which has been the subject of some discussion in my articles. https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2014/04/titan-timbers/

This particular supplier took verbatim the information provided by the nailed up column suppliers, without questioning the validity of the data supplied.

Me, being the curious sort, took a cruise around the pole building supplier’s website.


“Snow Loading                                                                                   

Xxxxx Buildings commitment to quality is second to none. This is amplified by the fact that all buildings meet or exceed the MN State Building Code. Xxxxx Buildings provides all customers ‘peace of mind’ by making sure the roof system loading for your building will keep you protected from natures elements. The roof system loading includes the trusses and the roof purlins.”

Now I am all over this! I appreciate people with a commitment to high quality and excellence in pole buildings. “…all buildings meet or exceed the MN State Building Code” is way cool….

Hay Storage BuildingUntil I read their next paragraph:

“Ag Buildings
There is no code regulation of Ag buildings, (these buildings are exempt from the code) but suggested minimum loading would be 25 psf or 30 psf live load on the roof system. The definition of an Ag building would be a structure on agricultural land designed, constructed, and used to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock, or other horticultural products. This structure shall not be a place of human habitation or a place of employment where agricultural products are processed, treated or packaged, nor shall it be a place used by the public.”

From one side of their mouths is “all buildings” meet Code, and out of the other – they are providing “ag buildings” with loads below Code!!

Here is the Minnesota State Snow Load map: https://www.dli.mn.gov/CCLD/PDF/bc_map_snowload.pdf

To get from a Pg (ground snow load), to a roof snow load, involves the multiplication by several factors. Learn more than you ever wanted to know here: https://www.hansenpolebuildings.com/blog/2012/02/snow-loads/

For discussion’s sake, we will assume these Ag buildings are unheated (most unoccupied buildings are) with the most common 4/12 roof slopes and steel roofing. The roof truss top chord live load under this combination should be 34.7 psf with 50 psf for Pg.

This provider’s, “suggested minimum loading would be 25 psf or 30 psf of live load on the roof system” is under designing these roofs to support snow by at least 13% and as much as 40%!!

You don’t own a farm, so what do you care?

When those under designed roofs collapse and the insurance companies pay to rebuild – it is YOUR insurance rates which are going to increase!

And if you do own a farm, I’d hate to be the one cleaning up the mess when your roof caves in…and hoping you are not in it when it does!