Tag Archives: inferior products

Yugo or You Go! – Making A Quality Building Investment

Why you can’t afford to not make a quality building investment.

I am a member of a builder forum on LinkedIn. This morning, a new topic post was, “Do you use inferior products to get your bid down low or use the right product knowing you will lose the work on price?”

As a professional and a moral, ethical human being….I am frankly appalled at the idea of using inferior products for any reason.

Webster’s defines inferior as, “of poor quality or mediocre”. If I am totally off base here, I would like to have one of my client readers correct me…..I do not want to ever buy poor quality or strive to be mediocre, so why would or should I ever want one of our clients to have a mediocre pole building?

There are three components to any product or service any of us purchase – price, quality, or service. You can get two out of three, but never a desired all three together.

Yugo Advertisement

What a deal!

CNNMoney’s 2010 poll of the best quality of products/services includes Intel, UPS, Apple and Nordstrom in their Top 6. In the bottom 4 are Family Dollar Stores and Dollar General.

Think about the dollar stores…they offer low price and….low price. If you walk through their doors, you expect nothing else – quality and service are not going to be present.

“Intel Inside”, we trust in their quality. UPS, “What can Brown do for you?” And when it comes to service, even John Nordstrom himself admits they took back a set of tires for credit.

Your new pole barn is going to be one of the largest building investments you will ever make. At least if you bought a Yugo – you could trade it in or find some sucker to buy it from you.  Your new pole building? Not the case.

This building is an investment. It is permanent (at least we sure intend for ours to be). You have one chance to do it right…. or to do it wrong.

The choice is yours…..