Hydroswing Hydraulic Doors

I thought it to be very timely to be sitting down to write articles about hangar doors and to have the Construction Magazine Network email me with an advertisement for Hydroswing® Hydraulic Doors.

Hydroswing Hydraulic DoorHaving never dealt with Hydroswing®, I began my research by checking out their website (https://hydroswing-hydraulic-doors.com/). I have to admit, I am a sucker for a nicely done website and Hydroswing’s certainly gives what they taught us in architecture school, “Presentation is everything”.

I might also read too much between the lines. A couple of statements on the Hydroswing® website gave me pause to wonder.

“Hydroswing® outgrew its original location for manufacture in Cottonwood, MN. As fuel prices, steel prices and distance to emerging markets around the world opened up, the value from this remote location could not be delivered effectively as volume increased, Since a major reorganization and redevelopment of the product in 2010, the fabrication model, design and marketing of the Hydroswing® door has found its way to effective worldwide delivery and cost efficiency.”


“After a difficult period of reorganization, Hydroswing® has continued outside of the USA to develop and define the product.”

Time for further research…..

And the first thing I found made my skin crawl, read for yourself in this article by Eric Posz in the Redwood Falls Gazette: https://www.redwoodfallsgazette.com/article/20110412/NEWS/304129974

Next up was written by Deb Gau in the Marshall Independent: https://www.marshallindependent.com/page/content.detail/id/527100/Deadline-soon-in-Hydroswing-bankruptcy-petition.html?nav=5015

Online forums such as AgTalk, became a venting forum for consumers who had some challenges with Hydroswing®: https://talk.newagtalk.com/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=198626&DisplayType=nested

A December 2013 article in General Aviation News (https://generalaviationnews.com/2013/12/18/hydroswing-back-in-business/) reports “Hydroswing back in business”.

Certainly there are many companies which go through bankruptcy leaving a sour taste in the mouths of the creditors who were not paid and/or customers who did not receive product paid for, but received no or only portions of the product ordered, yet emerge making (in some cases obscene) profits post-bankruptcy (think General Motors).

In the case of Hyrdoswing®, I feel the best I can offer is to report what I have found, and let the informed consumer make their own best determination as to if a Hydroswing® Hydraulic Door will meet their personal needs and willingness to perhaps take a risk.

18 thoughts on “Hydroswing Hydraulic Doors

  1. Reading your blog on HydroSwing makes my blood boil. You were too kind. The owner is corrupt and nothing he says can be trusted. I purchased a large door. The hingles failed. Many were not properly welded. The geometry of the hydraulics were incorrect. In the end we removed all hingles and replaced with much larger and better made hinges. The cheap hydraulic pump provided actually blew up. We ended up replacing both hydraulic rams and the pump. My owner, was very patient but has failed to pay my company to date because it took nearly one year to receive the door, go through all the problems and finally rebuilding the door. Everything but the actual frame was discarded. The owner of Hydroswing told my company he would reimburse us for cost, to date we have not been paid one dime. I estimate the cost and delays to correct cost my company nearly $80,000.00

    1. Ben ~ Rather than being “kind” I try to take an objective position, especially when it is a product or vendor I have no personal experience with. I hate to see any consumer taken advantage of. Hopefully you have something in writing from the owner of Hydroswing so you will have some recourse in the event you are unable to get some satisfaction.

    1. I did try calling them myself this morning, the phone does ring and is answered. This is in no way my endorsement of Hydroswing or their products.

  2. This is very useful. We were going to spend a considerable amount of money with Marshal Parker and Hydroswing next year. But I’m glad to report that won’t be happening now.

    We’ve since found some truly disgusting stories about Marshal Parker and Hydroswing. I feel lucky to have been saved from making the same mistake by reading websites like this. I recommend anybody that reads this to spend their money with a different hangar door manufacturer.

    God bless and good luck with your project.

  3. Hydrowsing Hydraulic Doors sound really cool, and I bet it would be able to meet the personal needs for someone building a hangar. This is something I would love to do more research on. From what I have read though, a person would be smart to get hydrowsing hydraulic doors.

  4. Here is the latest on Marshal J Parker. Marshal has moved back to networking the good folk of Rancho Santa Fe. He has successfully swindled close to $1 million from people he has carefully networked and befriended. Lurking in the local bars he started to carefully rebuild his shattered image and has swindled his alleged new good friends out of serious money. One man in particular, a fellow from his country the UK he has successfully taken over $750,000.00 on false pretenses. Others have been for smaller sums and two local widows have also been scammed out of five figure sums. This man simply will not stop. People also do not learn lessons from the horrendous online profile he has, a simple google search would show you the type of man he is. What’s funny is his Ferrari got repoed whilst he was on a hot date outside his fav restaurant, in front of his hot date. People still are blinded to his ways. I will report back with more news as it unfolds. For now he is still out there giving lies about how successful he has been, which really has come at the downfall of people that have trusted him. Shame on your Marshal J Parker. Please stop now, enough of stealing and living a lie.

  5. Hydroswing website has rebranded with a new product. Looks more like a schweiss bifold.

    Also new address doesn’t look to be a shop
    120 – 124 Towngate,
    Leyland, Lancs, PR25 2LQ
    United Kingdom

  6. And so IT! (Marshal) continues.
    Continues to obtain many thousands of $$$ under false pretenses
    Continues to lie to customers & suppliers
    Continues his narcissistic beliefs of nothing ever being his fault.
    Continues his lavish lifestyle funded by obtaining deposits off unsuspecting customers who will never receive their product.
    Continues to lose employees / business acquaintances due to bad moral practices
    This could all be close to ending as he’s running out of suppliers to defraud and customers instructing legal action.
    Watch this space!

  7. Marshall Parker is a self absorbed asshole. I knew him personally and I watched him cheat people left and right.
    He is a bad man. He spends most of his time in Del Mar California. You can reach him at 858-220-6830.

  8. He’s now doing business under these names.


    Hopefully people searching these firms find this page and realize the type of businessman Parker is.

  9. So Marshy as he likes to call himself is still doing the rounds in RSF and Del Mar. Using the same lines and being the same a**hole he always was. Medi is an Iranian businessman from England – Parker latched onto him in a heartbeat and took a $1.2 million loan from him. You have to question the wisdom of Medi, but for whatever reason this has gone. Then there was Dylan the Real Estate Developer who he loaned 450k from and numerous others for smaller amounts. He is a bad smell that just won’t go away. A few things you need to know about Marshy. He never ever leaves the US, ever wondered why? Because he is an illegal alien in the US. Report his *** to ICE. He does not have papers to remain in the US. I’ve known this *****bag for a long time, now I just know of him because I saw him for what he is. Mille Fleurs – the amount of times he lied about his card having issues and pretending to call his bank in England. The bar staff all saw through him. Let’s report this scum to ICE and get him sent home. He has ruined many lives here and is unwelcome. Marshal get out of our country and pay back all the people you have stolen money from you ***hole. There is a reason why you are single. Car was repossessed, rental home gone, Medi saved UK home, business never ever was real, girlfriend left him – this loser has nothing but his slippery tongue left.


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