Engineer Wanted for Pole Building Garage

Wanted an Engineer for Pole Barn Garage

In deference to the attorneys at Menards, who seem very interested in the articles I write, this ad appeared on Craigslist recently, so it is a direct quote and has not been changed from the original posting:

“I am looking for a Colorado registered engineer for a pole barn garage I am wanting to do. I am looking to buy a package from Menards but my county requires it to be stamped by an engineer. Please feel free to email me if you are interested. Here is a link to the type I am looking at doing. Thanks, Matt

One of the positions we at Hansen Pole Buildings have taken a stance on is every (and I will repeat EVERY) post frame building either sold as a kit package or constructed by a contractor – and yes, even piece-mealed together by the building owner, should be built from plans sealed by a Registered Design Professional (RDP – engineer or architect).

I’ve expounded upon the “piece-mealers” before, and for those of you whom are not long time readers, you should take a peek at this article:

Back on task, why should a RDP prepare every set of building plans?


The RDP is going to take into account all of the forces which will be acting upon your particular building (wind, snow, rain, uplift, to name a few).

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